Best RV Plants for Full-Time Rvers

The Best RV Plants for Full-Time RVers

Choosing which plants to buy for your RV can sometimes be tricky. There are certain things you have to take into consideration that you may not have thought of. I’ve definitely killed my fair share of plants, but want to help you learn from my mistakes!! I’ve rounded up some of the best RV plants for full-time RVers and gathered tips from some fellow RV plant ladies to help your plants thrive on the road.

1. Snake Plant

When asked what the best RV plants for full-timer RVers was, a snake plant showed up on almost everyone’s list. And it’s no wonder with how tolerant they are! They can be neglected for weeks and even survive in low light situations. Perfect for beginner plant parents and low light situations in RV’s.

RV office and plants

I love that Jenn from @dashboarddrifters has added plants to her office! Did you know that plants can reduce stress & increase producivity? Perfect for all you digital nomads working out on the road.

2. Philodendrons

Both Pothos and Philodendron are great options “because they can thrive in lower light settings, which is perfect for rigs with tinted windows and shaded awnings. They are easy growers, require very little fuss. You only need to water thoroughly once the soil fully dries out (about every 2 weeks). They prefer to be root bound a little, so they won’t need to be re-potted often. They give lots of leaves, which is super satisfying, especially for budding plant parents.”

philodendron trailing plant

This is a great RV plant to share a cutting with friends you make out traveling. The clippings can easily be propagated in water!

hanging planter

3. Pothos

pothos plant in cream pot on table

Janae from @adventures_with_tucknae and I have fun obsessing over plants together ha! Here is her gorgeous pothos soaking up the sunlight!

Janae has 6 Pothos plants and thinks they’re one of the easiest plants to take care of in tiny living. They’re one of her favorites because “They don’t require a lot of direct light which is great because the space you have for them isn’t always going to be right by a window. They also tell you when they’re “thirsty” by the leaves starting to droop. When I see them starting to look “sad” I give them water and they’re perfectly happy again within 24 hours! Pothos grow quickly and are easy to propogate. So if you’re wanting to multiply your plant collection, Pothos are a great way to do so.” There are several different varieties that Pothos come in. Jane’s personal favorites are Marble Queen and Golden Pothos. 

A pothos and snake plant sitting on a bathroom counter in an RV with sunlight streaming in from the sky light in the shower.

4. English Ivy

English ivy trailing plant

Check out Jenn’s English Ivy she keeps on a shelf in her bathroom. The orange wall really makes the leaves stand out!

Jenn’s English Ivy is thriving! She says that “The combination of diffused light from the skylight and bathroom door make this plant super happy. Also, it does well with the humidity from showers. The english ivy does require slightly more care and you have to make sure to water it often enough (usually once a week).”

5. Aloe Vera

I like to keep mine in this shelf in our shower because of the light it gets, but I always move it whenever we’re using the shower so it doesn’t get too much water.

Aloe Vera is a type of succulent that makes for a great indoor plant. I wouldn’t typically recommend succulents in an RV unless you have a grow light however, aloe is definitely an exception to that. It’s such a useful plant that I love keeping it on hand for burns and other injuries. 

An aloe vera plant is potted in a terra cotta pot sitting on a floating white shelf inside a bathroom.

Aloe does best in bright indirect sunlight and can get a little leggy if it’s kept in low light. One of the best parts is that you hardly ever have to water it! I water mine about every 3 to 4 weeks and even less in the winter. You’ll want the soil to dry out at least 1-2 inches in between waterings. Aloe is definitely a beginner friendly plant and you can almost ignore it as long as it’s getting enough light. 

6. Air Plants

hanging air plant holder

Air Plants are one of my favorites for RV living. They require no soil to grow. Just air and water. Crazy right?! That means you don’t have to buy and lug around extra soil. Plus, they don’t require a pot or container (unless of course you want one). I bought three back in May and they are one of the most low maintenance plants I have. I have them a little crammed in this container  (They really should have more room). Maybe this just means I’ll need to buy more and create and epic air plant display on my wall!

air plants in wire wall hanger

Air plants need bright indirect sunlight (too much light can fry them to a crisp) and should get soaked in a water bath for 20-30 minutes once a week (although they can survive periods of drought and are very forgiving). After the water bath you’ll want to leave them out to thoroughly dry (typically about 4 hours is good). This is important so your plant doesn’t rot! 

7. Fake Plants

Okay, so maybe plants aren’t your thing but you’re still looking to add some greenery to your RV. Maybe you don’t have the time to care for real plants. Maybe you just don’t have a green thumb. That’s okay! There are some great options for fake plants out there. Finding realistic ones can be difficult but it is doable. 

A fake aloe vera plant sits on a nightstand in an RV bedroom.

I’ve had success finding realistic looking fake plants for our RV at Big Lots, Michael’s, and Hobby Lobby.

Additional Tips to Help Your RV Plants Flourish


Sunlight is one of the most important things you can give your plants. @stairsup_handlein suggests keeping blinds open to take advantage of sunlight and rotating plants once a week so they each get to spend a full day in good, strong sunlight. When the sun doesn’t cooperate, a grow light is helpful since the sun doesn’t necessarily reach where and as much as some of your RV plants require! I use a grow light and have found my cacti and succulents are able to thrive in our RV where previously they weren’t. You can also take advantage of the sunlight coming in through your shower’s sky light!



In addition to sunlight, water is another major factor in whether your plants will thrive or not. Too much and your plants could get mushy and rot. Too little and your plant could wilt and eventually die. Each plant is going to be different as far as watering requirements, so be sure to research for your specific plant. @ourlifeonlaketime suggests using the app Planta which reminds you when to water each specific plant.

A moisture reader is helpful to keep track of which plants need water when. It’s also important to note that if you use a dehumidifier in your RV, you may need to water more often since moisture is being sucked out of the air. Instead of dumping the water out from your dehumidifier, you can use it to water your plants!

Jenn from @dashboarddrifters offered up a tip I’d never thought of before! She mentioned “If you are on city water, leave your plant water on the counter for 24-48 hours before you water! There are chemicals in city water that can cause yellowing leaves or make plants sad. Leaving it on the counter allows those chemicals to evaporate out. This tip doesn’t apply if you use well water or rain water.” Something I never knew could be a potential issue!

Miscellaneous RV Plant Tips

@dashboarddrifters plant 6

Keep Your Plants in the Plastic Containers They Come In

Jenn also suggested that you can “Grow plants in the plastic containers they come in and then drop those into your favorite pots. This way you can change out your pots to match your decor and you don’t have to worry about drainage holes. I usually have an assortment of sizes of cheap plastic liners that I move plants into when they outgrow their pots.” What a smart idea and I’m sure saves a ton of time not having to fully re-pot a plant.

Use Plant Hangers or Shelves to Take Advantage of Vertical Space

Make the most of vertical space! You can use macrame plant hangers to take advantage of vertical space. Some RVs don’t have much counter space so you can save that space by hanging your plants. Philip refuses to let me put any holes into the ceiling so I bought a tension rod that holds a few lightweight plants above the kitchen sink. This is a good option if you don’t want to alter your RV too much. 

You can also create additional space by adding a shelf of sorts. I picked one up at Walmart that was intended to be used for bathroom organization, but I think it makes a pretty nice little plant shelf. It also folds down if I don’t want to use it or need it out of the way plus it raises the plants up so they get more sunlight coming in from the window!

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How to Travel With Plants

So now that you have the urge to go out and buy a ton of plants, wait just a second. There’s one more thing you’ll want to consider. This will vary depending on the person and style of travel, but you’ll want to also think about what to do with your RV plants on travel days.

I’ve tried a number of different methods, and for me, putting a towel down in the kitchen sink and putting them there has worked best. I’ve also used a folding crate with good results. I know that some people put theirs in their showers while in transit too. Just something to consider! It takes a bit of trial and error to find what will work best for your RV setup.

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This is typically my setup on moving day. Plants in the sink packed with spices and random odds and ends. The more stuff you pack in the less likely your plant will tip over ha!

Hopefully this helped you determine what the best RV plants for your style of RVing will be! Did we miss any? What’s your favorite plant for full-time RV living? 

If you have any questions about plants please feel free to ask! I’m by no means an expert but love talking about plants and would love to help you bring a little color into your space to brighten things up.

Megan signature
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  1. Ahhh these plants are all so gorgeous! 😍 I’m honored that my pothos was featured with so many other amazing accounts! Thanks so much for putting all these helpful tips together Megan!

    1. Your pothos is beautiful!! 😍 Writing this post definitely made me want to go out and buy more plants 😂 Glad you found the tips helpful!! 😄

  2. Megan!! This is seriously so helpful for a new plant mom like me! Thank you for this post! I have a bunch of new plants that I now would like to check out 🙂 maybe the stress relievers first, haha!!

  3. I love all these tips, especially since I have a no plant experience! I will def be coming back to this in the future.

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